Core Values Statement
We value the lordship of our Savior Jesus Christ. We seek to be completely subject to Jesus, who is the Head of the Church. We acknowledge that the tie that binds us together is our common faith in Jesus Christ.
We value worship and believe that worship should be the center of our lives and our community. It is our conviction that human beings were created to bring honor and glory to Him. Through worship we seek to honor God and strengthen the church for its mission.
We value God’s Word. We take the Scriptures seriously. It is our guide for belief and living out our faith. We seek to read, study, and thoughtfully interpret scripture as led by the Holy Spirit. We strive to faithfully apply the teachings of Scripture to our lives as individuals and as a congregation. We believe that what Scripture teaches takes precedent over church tradition or human opinion. The Bible is God’s “love letter to us” and our desire is that the world see in us a reflection of His love.
We value relationships with other believers. We seek to strengthen those relationships by fellowshipping with and caring for each other. The diversity of young and old, married and unmarried and various ethnic cultures strengthens our relationships.
We value prayer and seek to make it central to our lives. We believe prayer and the related practices of fasting, meditation, solitude, and devotional reading are essential to developing an intimate relationship with God.
We value Christian service. Whether ordained or layman, we believe all Christians have been given gifts by the Holy Spirit and are called to service in the building of God’s kingdom. We strive to equip each member for his or her ministry within the church and community.
We value our community. We seek to be involved in the community surrounding our church building. We will work to create partnerships with people of like faith and practice who are working towards the betterment of the community. The development of these Godly relationships provides unity, shows love, and displays forgiveness among believers.
We value excellence. Excellence is an attribute of God. We believe that excellence both honors God and inspires people. God gave us His best, His Son, His only Son; therefore we seek to maintain excellence in all areas of ministry, proclaiming to the world the awe, the wonder and the love of God.
We value teamwork. The building of God’s Kingdom requires a team effort. Every believer possesses natural abilities and spiritual gifts. As we use these talents and gifts for God, we find significance and purpose for our lives. Therefore every member is called to be a minister, sharing these God-given resources for the good of others.
“If you would like our complete Statement of Faith, as found in our Constitution and Bylaws, please contact the church office at (910) 893-8365 or “